LIMBAS Crowdfounding
Our philosophy:
The full version of LIMBAS is free! New functions in LIMBAS are often financed by customer projects. This results in 3 - 4 updates over the year, the functions of which benefit everyone who uses LIMBAS.
Sometimes there are developments that should be incorporated into LIMBAS that are beneficial for all users, but are not required in any project. This includes adjustments to new technologies or the revision of the layout. The development time that flows into these projects must also be financed. Of course, the LIMBAS team puts a lot of personal effort into these projects. Since we also want to reward our employees fairly for their work, we are dependent on paid customer projects and innovations that are not financed by customer projects are often neglected.
Here we need your support:
You can support us to keep LIMBAS at the high quality level and to introduce new functions. You can invest development days for features you like so that new functions are available to you more quickly.
Current project: Bootstrap
Since 15.03.2023 LIMBAS shines in its new "Makeover". Thereby LIMBAS is "Bootstrap" based and provides many more useful functionalities. You can find more information here:

LIMBAS - Version 5.0 more
We would like to thank everyone who has already supported us through our crowdfunding for the current project in order to push the project further. We release 3-4 updates per year and for all these updates we depend on the support of our community. Join the LIMBAS community and support the development team with an amount of your choice.
LIMBAS Crowdfounding - Bootstrap
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